--PASSWORD--LIST-- Let me share some tips in terms of what password to use on cracking. For Dash: Start 4 character number for example. 0000 to 9999 00000 to 99999 im sure you will hit if you have patience. For Undys: 1. Think of an event which took place from year 1998 to 2000. 2. Password that i hit for undys. * owesome * batcave * batman&robin * spiderm4n * Australia * Los Angeles * Gangsta * Stonec0ld * ultimatewarrior * brethart * Pegasus * Kickass * Stubborn * Asskicking * Number1 * Number2 * Number3 * Fallenangel * Gabriel * Mankind * Undertaker * Michael Jordan * James Worthy * Abdul Jabbar * Magicjohnson * Larrybird * MosesMalone * Isiah Thomas. Ill share again password list next time..hope you can hit on one of those on my list. good Luck!!!! another password list for undys... * jedimaster * airjordan * majestic * ironmaiden * larsmetallica * ufoalien * yahoosucks * platinum * wetlips * mvpforlife * mostwanted * badb0y * insane * Charismatic * &&&~~~### * ^At~~~~+!69 --PASSWORD--LIST-- Let me share some tips in terms of what password to use on cracking. For Dash: Start 4 character number for example. 0000 to 9999 00000 to 99999 im sure you will hit if you have patience. For Undys: 1. Think of an event which took place from year 1998 to 2000. 2. Password that i hit for undys. * owesome * batcave * batman&robin * spiderm4n * Australia * Los Angeles * Gangsta * Stonec0ld * ultimatewarrior * brethart * Pegasus * Kickass * Stubborn * Asskicking * Number1 * Number2 * Number3 * Fallenangel * Gabriel * Mankind * Undertaker * Michael Jordan * James Worthy * Abdul Jabbar * Magicjohnson * Larrybird * MosesMalone * Isiah Thomas. Ill share again password list next time..hope you can hit on one of those on my list. good Luck!!!! another password list for undys... * jedimaster * airjordan * majestic * ironmaiden * larsmetallica * ufoalien * yahoosucks * platinum * wetlips * mvpforlife * mostwanted * badb0y * insane * Charismatic * &&&~~~### * ^At~~~~+!69 AtSAtLAtAAtYAtEAtR **s*t*o*n*e*r*s** **s*t*o*n*e*r*s** /s/t/o/n/e/r/ $s$t$o$n$e$R$